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sco and pakistan css forum

Is Islamabad ready to do this? The membership of SCO means a lot for Pakistan. The legal experts also discussed administrative and organisational matters at the multilateral level. - Martial Law of General Ayub Khan. SCO provides Pakistan a best opportunity to solve this and other problems with Iran. SCO membership will also help Pakistan to become an important member and player in concluding the diplomatic decisions and activities of the region. There were serious reservations in the West and the US about the SCO as it was regarded as a significant regional counterweight to the United States. Yet from Islamabads perspective, the main question is what it can offer the SCO and what it can gain from its membership in the organization. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities Pakistan acquired the status of observer in SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) in 2005 and became full member in June 2017, along with India. Elections represent a vital aspect of democracy and should remain immune to the whims of leaders. Ltd. ( for Dawn. Best CSS preparation resources with lots of exciting opportunities. Pakistan can use this platform to solve these issues which are not only the problems of Pakistan but also of the other nations. Critically evaluate the foundations of Allama Iqbals concept of Muslim separatism in the context of Indo-Pak Subcontinent. 83-95 It is the first summit after Russian attack on Ukraine and Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. Conclusion: (5) Democracy is no more Vulnerable in Pakistan 1. He reiterated that SCO is open to dialogue and ready for joint efforts for the sake of peace and stability and development.Putin maintained that the SCO, well before 9/11 realised the need to confront scourge of terrorism. Food and health security is yet another area which Pakistan proposed for enhancing cooperation among SCO members. This meeting because of its special reason of being organised and hosted by Pakistan was a preliminary planning session before the 33rd session of the Council of SCO-RATS which will be hosted by Kyrgyzstan in October this year. Since SCO Charter is based on enhancement of comprehensive cooperation among its member countries. Source: Pakistan at this point in history needs friends and partners to assist it, politically and economically and there is no better mechanism and medium than the SCO to obtain its objectives. There is also a strong need to come out of the traditional models of diplomacy and explore various avenues of togetherness. The SCO was founded in Shanghai on June 15, 2001 and despite being the youngest regional grouping it has evolved into one of the most important international forums. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities, Hijrat Movement (1920) Causes And Failure, Short Note On Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Causes and Consequences, Non Cooperation Movement Of Gandhi Notes 1920 1924, The Partition Of Bengal 1905 Causes and Consequences, Aligarh Movement And Its Role And Impacts, Kashmir Issue Main Points And Its Causes CSS, Is SCO An Eastern Version Of NATO? These small republics are rich in natural resources and in future they expected to be the centre of all major trade activities. Mir Sherbaz Khetran, SCO Membership and Pakistan, Strategic Studies, Vol. On its part, India is extremely critical of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as well as Chinas Belt and Road Initiative. Several states are associated with this bloc as member states or observer states, contact states or dialogue partners. It has hostile neighbourhood and facing security challenges from its neighbourhood on account of its geopolitical location and conflicting interests of the major powers. How far these parties are necessary for the political system?" Oped Svante E. Cornell, No, The War in Ukraine is not about NATO, The Hill, March 9, 2022. A number of Western, and especially U.S. scholars, view the SCO as a challenge to U.S. interests. Our model of cooperation and the Shanghai spirit it embodies are becoming increasingly relevant while working on well-defined guidelines maintaining mutual confidence, debating openly on all issues, and seeking solutions through discussions and without resorting to any pressure the Organisation has a consistent frame of reference which will hopefully enhance its international appeal. Sign up for upcoming events, latest news and articles from the CACI Analyst, Pakistan in the SCO: Challenges and Prospects, Last modified on Thursday, 08 February 2018. The fight against terrorism and religious extremism has been a very painful undertaking and has surely equipped the armed forces and other law enforcing agencies with loads of expertise and knowledge regarding tackling the phenomenon. By virtue of its geopolitical location, Pakistan is in the vicinity of worlds major economies and emerging regional markets. Pakistan has taken all possible measures to normalize relations with India. It has become Pakistans most trusted website among CSS, PMS students for their exams preparation because of its high-quality preparation material. For these reasons, Indias SCO membership will not increase its ability to put pressure on Pakistan. It has caused death of over 1400 people, wounded over 10,000 people and destroyed the population centres, vast agricultural area and crops amounting to over $50 billion. Rather, the SCO members are fully cognizant of the contribution and sacrifices, Pakistan has rendered for the global peace and security by combating terrorism. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. China is the SCOs key member, and India-China relations are defined by strategic competition and security concerns. However, the relationship with Russia and the Central Asian States will improve gradually in terms of economic relations, whereby new structures and protocols within the organisation provide ample assistance to Pakistani business community to get the maximum benefit out of the entire opportunity. The economic linkages evolved through the SCO forum will also strengthen prospects of regional security. The SCO states with almost one fourth of the world population having geographical proximity with Pakistan and easy accessibility constitute a very lucrative market for its exports. CONCLUSIONS: The SCO is an important regional alliance. Today, SCO has almost half of the global population, 25 % of worlds GDP and about 80% of Eurasian landmass. Source: Quite recently SCO has organised first regional anti-terrorist structure legal experts meeting hosted by Pakistan, for the first time. All Categories CSS CSS Screening Test CSS Past Papers CSS English CSS English Class CSS Solved Islamiat CSS Solved Essays CSS Solved Gender Studies The post explains SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. Pakistan is particularly interested in a mechanism where Pakistan can engage with all countries of this region and focus on all-dimension development at faster pace. Moreover, if Pakistans relations with Russia improve further and China, Russia and Pakistan can reach an understanding on Afghanistan and the U.S. presence there, India would have to tread even more carefully as it would then have to decide which side to join and would risk losing its primary supporter in the SCO. By virtue of its geopolitical location, Pakistan is at the vicinity of world's major economies and emerging regional markets. AUTHORS BIO: Rizwan Zeb, Ph.D., is associate editor of Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs (Sage). Indeed, 22ndSummit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) took place at the most crucial time of contemporary world. It also affects its political weight. is solved by Ali Imran Why Individual Liberties Must Be Sacrificed to Secure Collective Liberties? Pakistan is facing worst economic crises especially in the wake of massive flooding in the country. The Presence of the giants like Russia and China in the SCO along with Central Asian states, rich in natural resources promise infinitesimal opportunities for peace and economic prosperity of the region. Before this historic event, several other related meetings of the grouping were held during the year on various aspects. SCO is unique in the sense that it is based on a new model of state-to-state relationship that derives its strength from cooperative configuration rather than binding them into a formal alliance like NATO. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. Putin offered detailed expose of SCO's philosophy and raison d'etre. Silk Road Paper Johan Engvall, Between Bandits and Bureaucrats: 30 Years of Parliamentary Development in Kyrgyzstan,January 2022. However, this does not diminish Pakistans resolve to continue to fight the menace with its full force. Pakistan presently faces an existentialist threat from terrorism and religious extremism and the member states of the SCO are also victims of this menace in varying degrees. Can Pakistan Offer the U.S. Military Bases to Target Islamic State in Afghanistan? India also needs to exercise caution in using the SCO to highlight the Kashmir problem, as China can raise the Tibet issue and Indias sheltering of the Dalai Lama in response. SCO not only satisfies its prestigious customers with its products and services but also feels . The war against terror is only one element of Pakistan's foreign policy but undue emphasis on it has made us oblivious of political and strategic changes and developments in the region. Pakistan Affairs Lecture 5cRegional Cooperation OrganizationsSAARC ECO SCOSCOBand Role of PakistanIdeology of Pakistan and p. As far as terrorism and religious extremism are concerned, Pakistan as a front line state in the war against terror has made a sterling contribution in subduing the scourge which had almost affected all the countries represented in the SCO besides Pakistan and Afghanistan. SCO, being an emerging security bloc, can prove greatly helpful for Pakistan in helping it from traditional and non-traditional security threats. The Declaration of 22nd Summit of SCO called for greater cooperation among member countries of SCO with emphases against three evils; the extremism, terrorism and separatism. Keeping in view, Pakistans significant regional presence and participation, it is anticipated Pakistan must adjust itself with the changing dynamics of the regional and global politics with putting its house in order. A cursory glance at the achievements of the SCO during 10 years of its existence clearly establishes the importance of association with this body for Pakistan's economic and political future. We are determined to eliminate this menace, He pointed out that narco-money was being used to fund terrorist activities and called for greater collaboration to stem it. A case in point is the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) which held its 10th summit early this month in Tashkent. In the prevailing global environment wherein a sole superpower supported by its western allies is feverishly engaged in fashioning a new world order chiseled to its own perceptions which in certain cases has created more threats for the world peace and security, the role of SCO in firming up the new world order and eliminating the vulnerabilities of this region to foreign intervention, assumes greater significance. He hoped that the approved criteria would enable the SCO to accept Pakistan's request for membership at an early date. Pakistan was an active player in RCD (Regional Cooperation and Development) along with Iran and Turkey. Gwadar port stands to become an important and effective trade outlet for the Central Asian States. As pointed out by the foreign minister the member countries can surely benefit from Pakistans experience to deal with similar situations individually as well as collectively from the platform of SCO. This will also be the forum where Pakistan needs to promote its role in the regional peace and stability as the important player, especially the partnership in the regional connectivity projects. - The murder of democracy and Zia regime. Besides, the unresolved Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan has kept the South Asian region in a state of war. He underlined the importance of pooling efforts to address new challenges, asserting his belief that peace and economic progress in the vast region where we all live could only come through a multilateral partnership of countries that comprise it. SCO and Pakistan. Similarly Pakistan can play a leading role among them. Also the western countries have always exploited the land of Pakistan for personal objectives and agendas. You May Also Like: SCO, An Alternative Of EU? Some have described it as the beginning of a new organization resembling the Warsaw Pact (or a NATO of the East). What are the potential environmental impacts of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? The writer is Professor at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad. Will New Delhi and Islamabad be able to act maturely and adopt the SCOs spirit of regionalism? document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aeab5cb493091d935d3898ec17f1bc71" );document.getElementById("e2f329a015").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Askedon is useful for CSS, PMS preparation. The SCO region offers remarkable opportunities for joint mutual beneficial projects that can significantly improve living, standards and turn Central Asia into one of the most developed regions in the world. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. Pakistans role in Afghanistan, was acknowledged by the world. States holding observer status are India, Pakistan, Mongolia and Iran. Zardari urged increased trade and commercial activities in the region for that could bring about a positive change in the lives of its people. Pakistan is also confronted with a severe energy crisis and the materialization of TAPI and other trans-regional power and gas projectsfor which Russia has already expressed its support in material terms could help her to tide over the problem and nudge the process of economic revival. The CSS Point is the Pakistan 1st Free Online SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. Pakistani visualization for SCO also outlined the galvanization of Shanghai Spirit to strengthen the mandate of forum while reducing the risks of conflict, fostering confidence, and promoting stability. Among all SCO member states, Pakistan has the distinction of playing an unparalleled role against all these evils. Apart from being the full member, Pakistan brings along the experience to the table in countering terrorism and experience of dealing with the menace including the sacrifices of the precious lives on the way. Pakistan is moving forward with its Trade not Aid policy and has been pushing for greater connectivity. At the 2015 summit at Ufa, Russia, the SCO reached and announced its decision to include Pakistan and India as members. Askedon helps aspirants in their preparation for CSS, PMS, PCS and one paper MCQs based tests. We provide FREE Books, Notes and Current Affairs Magazines for all CSS Aspirants. SCO is pioneer in facilitating AJ&K (Azad Jammu & Kashmir) and GB (Gilgit Baltistan) to provide with cutting edge technology for better communication in the region. In that context Pakistans quest for becoming full member of the SCO was a right move and its addition to the organization is a positive outcome of those efforts in terms of mutual benefits. We are drafting documents on joint projects in education as well, and are aware of the need for adapting SCO members' bilateral tourism and sports cooperation to multilateral applications. The platform of SCO provides an opportunity of periodic meeting to the head of states of both the countries. CssPrepForum is Pakistans largest and greatest platform for CSS, PMS, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, GBPSC, NTS, and other One Paper 100 Marks MCQs exams students. In this regard, it fits into the principal objective of SCO which calls for peace not the war and cooperation not the conflict. The CSS Point is the Pakistan 1st Free Online Pakistan has faced the brunt of the terrorism like no other country where, including loss of precious lives, we have also suffered the huge economic and political unrest. It is useful for the country in the following ways. Ibn e Khaldun while acknowledging the external factors, emphasizes more on the internal systemic factors as decisive for the decline of states. THE woeful plight of refugees forced to flee from violence, persecution and hunger at home has been one of the , 10 . Pakistan can also highlight the issue of the use of Afghan land by the Indian intelligence agency against Pakistan. Dialogue partners are Belarus and Sri Lanka. Pakistan's strategic priority is development. The resolve of SCO to fight the menace of terrorism, promoting regional peace and security and working for shared economic prosperity are very much in harmony with what Pakistan is looking for and needs desperately. Analysis Svante E. Cornell, Kazakhstans Crisis Calls for a Central Asia Policy Reboot, The National Interest, January 34, 2022. In the past, both China and Russia have repeatedly stated that the organization would not incorporate new members despite Pakistan and Indias active campaign for SCO membership. Heavy investments have been carried out under the flagship CPEC project to enhance connectivity, trade and all dimension friendship. 7. These CSS-solved questions help you know how Sir Kazim students have scored high in the CSS examination for years. - Pakistan's entry into SCO. platform for all CSS aspirants. CIVILIAN governments change, as does the military leadership, yet one factor remains constant in our confused Govt must consider calling early general elections so that a path out of the current constitutional deadlock can be found. Terrorism related incidents have been reduced tremendously. The strategic location of Pakistan in the region and its economic potential can also help the SCO members to exploit their economic potential to the maximum. Explain. Pakistan is very optimistic regarding its future with the SCO. Pakistans geo-strategic location is vital and crucial for connectivity and trade. Pakistan is already contributing a lot in terms of educational exchanges. As a pivotal South Asian state, Pakistan can contribute positively to the SCO as well as learn from it. Pakistan and SCO: Challenges and prospects. Similarly the cease fire violation on LoC (Line of Control) by the Indian army is another very serious issue not only for the two hostile states, possessing atomic power, but for the whole region. One of its purposes is to work together to promote and create a new political and economic world order. Later on Pakistan and India also joined on June 09, 2017 at a summit in Astana, Kazakhstan. By now they might have understood the importance of Pakistan in global arena and their illusion of Pakistans political isolation. Oped Svante E. Cornell Russia's Southern Neighbors Take a Stand, The Hill,May 6, 2022. The SCO, Putin maintained is an effective mechanism to fight three evils of terrorism, separatism and extremism. CSSPrepForum is Pakistan's most trusted website among CSS, PMS students because of its high-quality exams preparation material. However, erratic moves by the Indian government Aligarh Movement injected a new life into the dead body of the Muslim nation and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. FOREIGN Minister of Pakistan Shah Mahmood Qureshi who represented the Prime Minister at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting in Dushanbe while addressing the assemblage rightly pointed out that Pakistan had played an important role in combating terrorism and religious extremism and the organisation could benefit from its experience in combating terrorism. Pakistan and India will be participating in the summit as full-fledged members this year with lots of aspirations. President Zardari led Pakistan delegation to the 10th summit held in Tashkent and repeatedly articulated Pakistan's keen desire to benefit from the SCO as a full member. 2 (Summer 2019), pp. Pakistan along with Indian hostile attitude can present the case of Kashmir people before the SCO members for solution. Last but not the least SCO membership also provides Pakistan an opportunity to strengthen her relations with Russia. instructor, Start One document laid out a road map for regional economic cooperation which includes three steps to facilitate trade and investment, to deepen economic cooperation and to realise the free flow of goods, capital, services and technology. SCO countries have already agreed on more than 125 joint projects related to trade and investment and have set up a specialist panels to coordinate cooperation in fields such as customs, transportation, investment promotion, energy and telecommunications. In terms of contributing to the SCO, Pakistan can offer its assistance in anti-terror mechanisms as Pakistan has big success in overcoming terrorism in the last few years. Silk Road Paper S. Frederick Starr, Rethinking Greater Central Asia: American and Western Stakes in the Region and How to Advance Them,June 2022. This Eurasian entity could never achieve its objectives of security and connectivity without participation of Pakistan. THE Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), created in Shanghai, China, on June 15, 2001, is a political, economic, and security organisation of Eurasia in nature. Why Did Pakistan Prefer Emotions, Feelings, And Ideology In Its Foreign Policy? Oped S. Frederick Starr, Russia Needs Its Own Charles de Gaulle, Foreign Policy,July 21, 2022. Other related meetings of the other nations with India environmental impacts of china Pakistan economic Corridor ( )! With the SCO forum will also strengthen prospects of regional security hosted by,! Meeting to the head of states taken all possible measures to normalize relations India!, SCO membership will also help Pakistan to become an important regional alliance into SCO and player RCD... Into the principal objective of SCO 's philosophy and raison d'etre a to. 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