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frederick von mierers vanity fair

"Frederick was brilliant at puffing us all up," Adams told me. "He would hear about someone rich and say, 'Bring him in!' "You see how terrible your families are?" "Apocalyptic thinking is in the air," a University of Connecticut psychologist told Omni magazine recently. Von Mierers was still strictly smalltime; his only platform was a regular stint on a call-in radio show. I was all of seventeen years old." When asked recently about his relationship to Mrs. Williams, he said, "She was my great-aunt. "It made me cry," she said. He exalted Germans and referred to the Aryan master race. "These are the only people in New York who count," he would say. . ' One cassette was sent all over the country. . "If all my models were like John Hoyt, I would have a fabulous agency. ", Von Mierers survived the difficult Manhattan waters, however, and by the early 1970s he could easily roll out the phone numbers of a Vanderbilt or a Rockefeller; he treasured his membership in a club called Doubles, a dim boite in the basement of the Sherry Netherland Hotel which attracted the lesser trust-fund crowd. We just have to get down and scrub the floors!' I had another question: Was it, in the end, the need to make his mark in louche New York that caused Frederick von Mierers to believe so totally the myths he had created about himself? A few days later I called him and said, 'I don't want the ring!' Few wind up, as von Mierers did, a canny gem salesman who was easily able to win over a popular author named Ruth Montgomery, whose books on psychic phenomena have sold millions of copies. Helen Kress Williams's will, filed in Manhattan in 1981, did not mention Frederick von Mierers. How could I have been so stupid? Scarlet and turquoise feathers drifted by. There were, additionally, an aspiring actor and several women who run von Mierers's business, a spiritual life-style and astrological organization called the Eternal Value's. Frederick Von Miers Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO. I realized I was being taken. They are, in the main, blessed with ample salaries from good jobs. . He seemed to enjoy titillating the group with talk of "chocolate lords." Von Mierers told anyone who asked that Andreadis had left the group because of an experience he had had with a black Marine. "Everywhere you looked there were mirrors and ostrich-skin accent pieces, parchment-covered Parsons tables, a lavender bedroom," a friend remembered. For a time, he supported himself handily as a model. I looked over at the owner, Cipriani, and got the distinct impression he would have thrown him out if I hadn't been there. Through connections he made at Quest, von Mierers began doing astrology charts and psychic readings, presumably now strained to make ends meet. "Are you aware that right here in the most cynical city in the world there is some weird cult for young, glamorous professionals?" "He and I went way back together. He is currently under criminal investigation for several potential charges. When you've been in a cult and you meet new people at a dinner party, you're never quite sure when to bring it up. Now she could talk about philosophy until dawn with a new group of friends who had little to do with the artificial world of fashion. At its peak, there were perhaps one hundred active members. Who knows? Andreadis dismisses this as pure invention. They quickly annulled their marriage, but they have remained friends. He had us change the locks on the door. It would be the final certification, for who in the psychic world could ever doubt Montgomery's famous Guides? Montgomery had been so moved by Andreadis's letter that she felt compelled to consult the Guides. I said, 'Freddie, you can't put this out! "I came to New York from Houston to my mother's apartment and saw her checkbooks," her son, Claude Williams, told me. By the time Jacki Adams introduced herself to Andreadis, von Mierers's successor was becoming disenchanted with Eternal Values. The weird thing was, in this crazy screwed up way, I believed they were right to punish me. "These kids are legal age." Since then, he has acted and started his own film and TV production company, Tortoise. All this pale-blue lacquer. Other people stay at the house year-round, he said. He said he had come to Earth to warn people of an impending apocalypse, and to train his students to become leaders in the aftermath. In a new documentary, Welcome to the Beyond, Hoyt recalls his introduction to the cult leader who would alter the course of his life. After Freddy died of AIDS in 1990, there was a power struggle within the group. He even let me drive one of his Porches. As unbelievable as it sounds, never once during my two decades with the group did I ever consider I might be a member of a cult. Blind faith, fear of the millennium, and obsession are less easy to analyze. It's real bottom-line. "I come from a very rich family," he once told a TV interviewer. Flanked by Catherine Edelmann and John Hoyt, von Mierers pointed his finger and spoke sharply to his host, Richard Bey. The model, who was involved with Eternal Values for almost a year, has given a sworn secret statement to the Manhattan D.A. "Maybe Freddie von Mierers is taking people for millions! A year later, as a highschool senior, he ran into Frederick again. We all lived together in the same apartment building. "I was represented by Ford," he told me. Oh. Hoyt Richards was one of the worlds biggest male supermodels in the 80s and 90s. Immediately! Every few moments, the birds spread their wings. Dr. Thomas Clark, who appeared on the ``Inside Edition' report last week, confirmed von Mierers died of AIDS. "We must spread our message to help humanity." Many of her fifteen books are still in print, filling the psychic-phenomena sections of the paperback racks. A cult is sort of like that same relationshiponcrack. Eileen Ford asked me. One appraiser on West Forty-seventh Street routinely gave von Mierers papers which showed that his stones were worth two or three times what he was charging for them. She bought the herbs for the Eternal Values diet and started the rigorous food-combining program. Jesus, Rama, Krishna, Buddha did not come to promise you another piece of ass. "Frederick imparts information that normally you wouldn't have access to," a Princeton graduate and Ford model who is a member of Eternal Values told me. "When I owned a modeling agency, Freddie was always around. I don't know anything about this!" I probably have over $800,000 wholesale of these gems in this very apartment. Andreadis would put a life reading on the tape machine, and Frederick's voice, like the Wizard of Oz, with harmonic music in the background, would engulf a client with tales of past lives. They never saw that side in Lake Lure, however. Some are more abusive. As my career picked up, people began calling me the first male supermodel. Eileen Ford said "As far as I'm concerned, he's a crumbum.". We talked a lot about becoming highly evolved personalities. We did a lot of ego renunciation. Freddy talked a lot about the coming apocalypse, which made the need for personal wealth and relationships unnecessary. Fritz Diekmann, the TV executive, yelled out, "Stop bullshitting everyone." She wrote a letter, she called this man Frederick, and the group members said to her, 'We don't know who you are.' Conversations on Vivekananda, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Hindu Vedas would stretch on till dawn. He told us about the personal tapes he would make for us that would cost $350, and he said he had eight thousand requests. Still, they control ourmind. Mostly it was menial jobsdoing dishes and laundry, scrubbing toilets, doing vacuum packing. In Welcome to the Beyond, which premiered at Doc NYC on Tuesday, director Brent Huff deep-dives into Hoyts double life. The gems, he would say, are for ''special people, only the elite." At fifteen, she was discovered by a photographer who sent pictures of her to Eileen Ford. "He was never a good model," Eileen Ford recently told me. Richards most recent film is Intersection, a romantic thriller he produced and stars in. It was common knowledge in the inner group that von Mierers had a collection of Polaroids he had taken of black men endowed with huge organs. John Andreadis, a former longtime von Mierers' aide who became one of his biggest detractors, didn't return telephone messages, although his answering machine repeatedly said he was only unavailable for about an hour. There, he would later tell Ruth Montgomery, he was also treated for a streptococcal infection. We thought the end was at hand. " When Douglas Wyatt was introduced to Eternal Values, Andreadis claims von Mierers told him, "Be nice to him. . "How does Frederick know so much?" They had lacquered walls in the New Age colors of "high-vibrational harmonics"pink, lavender, turquoise, chartreuse, accented by carefully painted silvery clouds. Slowly, I became mesmerized by him." "He was always accusing me of ego, as if that were a bad thing! I'm going to smash the shit out of you!' Although on the surface Eternal Values appears smalltime, former associates of von Mierers's speculate that so far he has sold close to $2 million worth of stones. He invented an elaborate background for himself, telling friends that his parents had been killed when he was four years old and that he was raised by his godmother, Mrs. Earle Kress Williams, an arts patron married to a nephew of Samuel Kress, of the dime-store fortune. And Rutherford County officials in charge of von Mierers' now-cremated corpse have also said Seaman tried to get them to sign a death certificate for von Mierers. What a dummy I was. "Freddie used to say to me, 'With these gems, they hold you close to their heart. His Nantucket house guests recall being sent out to scour the beach for good-looking recruits, handing out invitations to the finest physical specimens they could find. "I heard they got money to Frederick by Federal Express." "I had read everything. I gave them $28,000 in cash and traveler's checks. . When he had them appraised privately, he learned that this was not the case. I was the living symbol of their hypocrisy. 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The massive displays of azaleas that had seemed so impressive were cheap silk. And when he complained to Frederick, von Mierers said to him, "You will die on the water! ' The first time I tried to leave the group, I fled to New York. I have been in journalism a lot longer than you, young lady! For that, you feel a sense of shame. For the narcissistic young, all the talk about their diet, spiritual mission, and ego was just another way they could spend time thinking about themselves. They're cheaper than you could get wholesale!' "By fourth grade I just buried myself in books," she told me. For years, Freddie Mierer, or Meyer, as he was reportedly known before he took on the name von Mierers, was like many people you meet in New York. Jeremiah will take over your body.' Instead, they sent the body to Chapel Hill for autopsy by the state medical examiner. Artist: Frederick Von Mierers, John Andreadis, & IasosTitle: The Eternal Values: Karma & DestinyLabel: The Eternal Values Corporation & Inter-Dimensional Mus. Every movement was a tremendous effort. LAKE LURE MANSION HOUSED STAR PROPHET LEADER SOUGHT REFUGE BEFORE DYING OF AIDS. "There are really two kinds of Jews," a friend remembers him saying. Kathleen Turner and her. Do you see the ego there? The purported healing powers of von Mierers's gems are only part of the credo of Eternal Values. (''Only a clear understanding of how the Evil Forces work will enable people to make it through the precarious times that lie ahead. ``You can't miss it,' he advises lake visitors curious about the house. It is all very positive," the Houston lawyer Douglas Wyatt told me. The man's famil, Growing up in Goldsboro, Greensboro Day senior Jaydon Young averaged 25.9 points per game as a freshman at Wayne Christian. "He just understands everything about us." "We are now going to help so many people," Andreadis remembers von Mierers told him. After consulting with "the Guides," Montgomery explained gravely to her readers, she had decided that von Mierers's account of his past lives was correct. "I found him at dawn reading a passage about precious stones or something," Andreadis told me. The Manhattan district attorney's office is fascinated by the twisted history of Frederick von Mierers. These cults attract mostly the Less than Zero generation, born in the 1960s, reared on fashionable doomsday prophecies about the millennium. It was right at that time when models were becoming celebrities. My mother was not that rich. He kept elaborate ledger records, but he insisted on being paid in cash. It was the go-go 80s. The former V.F. "I have just heard the wildest story from a makeup artist who works on many Ford models," she said. There is no punctuation in it.' Von Mierers wanted a home in the Blue Ridge mountains, he told an interviewer, because he felt the mountain range would survive the millennium. He would say, 'This sapphire is $50,000, this emerald is $70,000.' "They eat such unhealthy food." "Her eyes were blank, emotionally blank. However, word began to spread through the Upper East Side of New York that von Mierers had genuine psychic ability. In the summers, von Mierers would return to Nantucket. One time, toward the end, they said I was guilty of vanity because I supposedly looked in the mirror too much. summers in Nantucket and falls in Oyster Bay. Montgomery's belief in von Mierers so overwhelmed him that he would read her chapters out loud again and again to his followers, as if to convince himself that they were true. The evil forces are everywhere.". We are here to warn you! To some who were Jewish, von Mierers would say, "Jews have a heavy Karma to deal with." "I had found them through Ruth Montgomery's book. I hung out with Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington and Naomi Campbell. Von Mierers ordered Adams to write a letter to Ruth Montgomery. By age eighteen she had been on the cover of British Vogue. I bought an emerald. "The root of all thought is the I thought," he might say while lecturing opaquely on his views of Eastern philosophy. Tell her how much her book and the group have helped you!" Early on, he felt the strong need to camouflage the fact that he had grown up in Brooklyn. His accent, already familiar to me from the many videotapes he had merchandised, was obviously inauthentic; I could hear traces of the grandees of the Hudson Valley, the sibilation of Blanche DuBois, and the clipped o's of Mayfair. "It is not working! He said, 'These gems will help you! I recently asked Eileen Ford and Joe Hunter, the company president. But von Mierers did not limit himself to selling jewels. I even found a letter she had written him that said, 'Why don't you invite me to Nantucket when Billy Baldwin is there?' He spent time at Quest, a bookshop on Fifty-third Street specializing in spiritual books, and there he met other people on their own missions. Its like: I was a promising kid from a good (if somewhat screwed up) family. Hunter soon signed Hoyt under the name Hoyt Richards. "I almost had a nervous breakdown," she told me. They are essential for every sincere seeker of the Truth. ") I sought counseling and have a little bit of a film careerwriting, acting and producing several movies. 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(''This cassette describes how the one Principle of Cosmic Intelligence expresses itself. Suddenly my son was talking like a robot.". Few wind up, as von Mierers did, able to get a listing in the Social Register. She was like an Audrey Hepburn, exquisite beyond words," the stylist, Richard Adams, who is no relation, told me. There was a big Vanity Fair expos at one point . You have to do all the therapy and the research. He had been fascinated by a Ruth Montgomery book called Threshold to Tomorrow. and that was the end of that.". When I wasnt in trouble, theyd call me Dippy, but generally I was just called Dipshit. ' If anyone in the room argued with him, von Mierers would scream, "You either come to my way of thinking or the dark forces will destroy you.". I got suspicious when he demanded cash, but the group members said, 'This is what we've done.' One apartment, 6E, was used as the office, and had desks with computer screens, shelves of merchandise, and files containing thousands of letters and orders for von Mierers's services. "Everyone fancied him," a friend told me. She once wrote a syndicated column called "Capital Letter," until, as she says, "Arthur Ford told me that I could do automatic writing." The whole time I was involved with Eternal Values, I was working pretty successfully as a model. "I thought I was in love with Jacki," he told me. 69-year-old suffers stroke in his home; Realtor showing house leaves him there. As the years passed, we re-located to North Carolina. It is said that the chosen will be able to survive the apocalypse by being on something called the White Light Star Ship, or by owning property in certain mountain areas, or, in the case of Eternal Values, by wearing special jewels. Suddenly, von Mierers noticed that a pillow had fallen on a spotlight on the floor. "What could I do?" 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frederick von mierers vanity fair

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